Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Variation Update
In 2023 Natural England (NE) held a statutory and public consultation for a proposed extension to the Surrey Hills National Landscape. NE has have since reviewed the consultation responses. During its analysis work NE revisited its initial assessments and undertook additional field work, especially where a review of the boundary was required.
NE has now produced a detailed analysis report which presents the findings of the consultation and analysis process.
Of the 1518 responses, an overwhelming majority were supportive of the proposed extensions. Every proposed extension area attracted respondents who wished to comment on the detailed boundary and a small number of responses did not agree with the proposed extensions.
The evidence provided through the consultation process presented an opportunity to include additional land in the Surrey Hills and this has been reflected in the analysis tables and accompanying figures.
Further fieldwork has also been undertaken on an area of land to the west of the Surrey Hills National Landscape in East Hampshire. This land was highlighted through the consultation process as having the potential to qualify for designation. A consultation, limited to the areas now being proposed for inclusion which were not subject to last year’s public consultation will be launched on Tuesday 17th September 2024 and will last for 12 weeks, ending on the 10th December 2024. The consultation will be widely publicised and we will be holding events for the general public during the consultation period, to enable people to discuss these new proposals with members of the Natural England team. In addition, we have three webinar events planned, each of which will be led by our consultants Resources for Change, where we will provide you with information on the project so far and how you can participate in this second round of consultation.
We recommend you book a webinar place in advance for whichever of the three suits you best to ensure your place:
Webinar 1 – 18th September, 14.00
Webinar 2 – 19th September, 19.00