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Arts Society October Lecture : From Downton to Gatsby: Jewellery & Fashion from 1890-1929

Monday 21st October 2024 at 2.30pm in Betchworth Village Memorial Hall. Doors open 1.30pm.

From Downton to Gatsby: Jewellery & Fashion from 1890-1929

Andrew was commissioned to make many jewels for the main characters in Downton Abbey and this inspired him to create a talk based on this unique period. Jewellery and fashion are often seen as two entirely separate fields of design, but this is far from the case. Andrew will guide you through the extraordinary decades and events between 1890 and 1929, where the great couturiers and jewellers collaborated to produce clothes and jewels of outstanding opulence and quality

Our lecturer is Andrew Prince. This lecture will be presented in the Hall on Zoom from Suffolk

Join us in Betchworth for these exciting, illustrated lectures. If you are not a member (we are recruiting new members now) do come as a visitor for £8, to the hall. Just pay at the door.

For all our events or to become a member visit our website