Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes


Parish Council Meetings

Buckland Parish Council meetings are ordinarily held in the Reading Room, Old Road, Buckland, on the second Monday of alternate months. The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be held at 8pm on Monday 9th September 2024.

Members of the public are welcome to observe all Council meetings and an open session, referred to as the “Open Forum”, provides an opportunity for members of the public to put questions or draw relevant matters to the Parish Council’s attention. The Chairman, will, at the start of each Open Forum, confirm the amount of time available for the open session and for each person to speak.

Your Parish Council is always willing to discuss topics proposed by members of the public and encourages you to share your thoughts and ideas. However, as each agenda is prepared a week in advance (to be legal it has to be publicised for at least six days), you will need to submit any topic you wish to see discussed at the first meeting at which it is raised (to the Clerk) at least eight days before the meeting.

Whilst you are welcome to raise a point that does not relate to an item on that evening’s agenda, Council’s discussion of the item is likely to need to be deferred (to allow a specific item to be included on a future agenda) to ensure any decision taken will be binding in law.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend meetings to participate in the Open Forum and/or to observe proceedings.   

If, once the agenda for a parish council meeting (whether a full council meeting or a meeting of one of Council’s committees) is published, you decide you would like to attend in person, you are asked to call Cllr Deborah Jones on 07701 347351 to reserve a space as capacity in the Reading Room is limited. All attendees are asked not to attend if they show any sign of Covid symptoms or feel at all unwell.


A copy of the agenda for each upcoming meeting is made available to download and is displayed on the Parish Council Notice Board opposite the village shop.

Minutes of Parish Council Meetings

The minutes of each meeting are added to this page as PDF attachments and remain available to download for at least two years.  If you wish to read minutes of earlier meetings the signed minutes can be viewed at the Surrey History Centre.

If you would like any additional information relating to an item on the agenda or think a different file format would be helpful to you please contact the parish council to provide us an opportunity to try to assist you.

Parish Council Meetings : 2024/25 Financial Year

13th May 2024
8th July 2024 (draft)
9th September 2024
11th November 2024
13th January 2025
10th March 2025

Parish Council Meetings : 2023/24 Financial Year

22nd May 2023
10th July 2023
11th September 2023
13th November 2023
8th January 2024
11th March 2024

Parish Council Meetings : 2022/23 Financial Year

13th March 2023
9th January 2023
14th November 2022
23rd September 2022
11th July 2022
9th May 2022

If you visited this page hoping to find information about Buckland’s Annual Parish Meetings, please click this link to view the Parish Meeting page within the Amenities section of this website.