Public Access Defibrillator
Buckland’s Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) is stored in a secure weatherproof cabinet mounted on the south western aspect of the Reading Room in Old Road (Village Hall) and has been registered with the South East Coast Ambulance Service. If someone has need of a defibrillator and a 999 call is made, the emergency services operator is able to direct them to the location of the nearest PAD and to provide them with the code to access the cabinet.

Buckland Parish Council arranged for the installation of a public access defibrillator (“PAD”) in the centre of the village and agreed to fund the ongoing costs of replacement batteries and electrode pads.
We are fortunate to have local volunteers willing to teach you CPR and other emergency life saving skills as part of a BHF backed initiative called Heartstart. Three groups of twenty have now completed Heartstart courses in Buckland and a sign up list for a fourth course has been started. If you would like to attend a 2 hour Heartstart Course please contact the parish council.