Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes


Scroll down to view details of forthcoming events.

To add a Buckland event to the Events Calendar please contact us.

Pond Clearance – August

18 August 2024

Keep your diary free to participate in this year’s pond clearance.
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Pond Clearance – September

1 September 2024

Keep your diary free to participate in this year’s pond clearance.
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Re-Betchworth AppleFest

5 October 2024

Not to be missed! Saturday, 5 October, 1-4pm – Betchworth AppleFest, a day for all the family, whether or not you’re expecting a bumper apple crop.
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Music Quiz and Supper

11 October 2024

Friends of St Mary’s are hoping you will keep the evening of Friday 11th October free to participate in a music quiz and supper between 7.30pm and 10pm in the Reading Room. More details to follow shortly…
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Buckland and Betchworth Choral Society Autumn Concert

16 November 2024

Keep the evening free for the BBCS Autumn Concert.
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Christmas Fayre

23 November 2024

Keep the afternoon of Saturday 23rd November free to visit the Reading Room between noon and 4pm for traditional stalls, refreshments, raffle and tombola…
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B&B Society Annual Dinner

29 November 2024

Mark the date in your diary to attend the B&B Annual Dinner
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Buckland and Betchworth Choral Society Christmas Concert

11 December 2024

Make sure you keep the 11th December free to attend the BBCS annual Christmas Concert
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2025 Annual Parish Meeting

31 March 2025

Please make a date to come along to the Annual Parish Meeting – 8pm in the Reading Room. More details, including a formal agenda to follow.
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