Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes

Pond Clearance – September

It’s that time of year…., we are lucky to the invaluable commitment from the Reigate Area Conservation Volunteers to help us carry out maintenance to the village pond on Sunday 1st September 2024, from 10am to 3pm.

It would be wonderful to see as many volunteers from the village as possible – many hands make light work.

Tools are provided, but if you are able to help please make sure you bring with you some sturdy gloves, and nominate a responsible adult to accompany anyone under the age of 16.

It is a chance for us all to get together and help to preserve our beautiful pond for all to enjoy and to help protect the great crested newts and other wildlife.

Please see if you have some time to join us – everybody is welcome and all contributions will make a massive difference.

The pond is important to us all and it would be great to maintain its status as a favourite subject as a Surrey beauty spot.

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

Nigel Husband

Chair, Buckland Parish Council

Location: Buckland Village Green
Contact: See adjacent information