Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes

Have noisy or speeding vehicles been a problem where you live?

Surrey & Sussex Police want to know about the road safety issues that are impacting your community.

You can help by completing their survey to share with your local police what’s happening on the roads in your local area.  

This information will help Surrey & Sussex Police build a picture of where road safety issues need to be tackled and how the summer road safety intensification, Operation Downsway, is monitored.

This year, during every weekend between April and September, officers from teams across the police force will take part in Operation Downsay, an operation dedicated to providing a highly visible and unmarked presence on the road network across Surrey and Sussex, engaging, educating and taking enforcement action where necessary.

By engaging with road users Surrey & Sussex Police aims to continue to reduce the number of collisions and deaths on our roads.

If you want something to change for the better, please play your part. Follow this link to the survey and express your views.