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Arts Society June Lecture : Taking the Waters: Social Life in the Spa Towns from Roman Times to the Present Day

On Monday 17th June 2024 at 2.30pm in Betchworth Village Memorial Hall. Doors open 1.45pm.

Taking the Waters: Social Life in the Spa Towns from Roman Times to the Present Day

The origins of Britain’s Spas go back to pre-Roman times when they developed from mineral springs or holy wells associated with local myths. During the 16C the Tudors started taking the waters as standard medical practice. Then in the 18C the Spa towns were transformed into fashionable watering places for Georgian society, who gathered there to dance, gamble, gossip and flirt as well as to take the waters. Splendid architecture, extensive parks and colourful gardens were created to attract the Beau Monde to these beautiful towns. Twelve of these exist today amongst the most famous being Bath, Cheltenham, Harrogate, Buxton and Malvern.

Our lecturer Jane Tapley is currently Special Events Organiser, Theatre Royal Bath. Consultant to various TV productions of Jane Austen adaptations on food in the 18th and 19th centuries. Hosts and cooks period meals in her Regency house in Bath for the Jane Austen Festival and other literary groups.

Join us in Betchworth for these exciting, illustrated lectures. If you are not a member (we are recruiting new members now) do come as a visitor for £8, to the hall. Just pay at the door.

For all our events or to become a member visit our website

Location: Betchworth Village Memorial Hall
Contact: See above details